How we help


We take the time to get to know you and understand your hopes, fears, and dreams so we can build customized investment and financial strategies for you. We believe that your finances and life circumstances are unique and special to you, and we want to work with you to create a custom investment portfolio.

Our Process


First Steps

We typically begin with a phone call or an in-person meeting to learn about you, your financial health, your goals, and the time horizon for achieving them.


Getting Started

The process begins with reviewing your goals and assessing your risk tolerance while including a thorough review of your current investments.


Portfolio Planning

Depending on your current mix of assets, this step may involve retaining some of your investments and adjusting others. We will thoroughly analyze your portfolio and make recommendations based your goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.


Monitoring & Management

We continually monitor, report on, and review your investments and their progress.  Rubey & Rust is here for our clients, and while you may not need quarterly contact, we keep you informed with our personalized, custom quarterly reports that are created in our office. Each quarter, all accounts are individually analyzed and reviewed by Margaret and Chuck.

In addition, we offer our proprietary LifeTime CashFlow analysis, which can project the growth of your wealth and investment income potential throughout your lifetime. This living financial plan can help you clarify goals and direction, while empowering your understanding of where you might be headed and how you might invest.





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Our Fees

As a fee-only financial advisor, we are paid only by our clients. We don’t receive fees or commissions from investment companies for selling their products to you, which keeps our interests aligned with yours.

Our straightforward fee structure is lower than the industry standard. Why do we do keep our fees so low? Because we strongly believe that good advice should be affordable to everyone and that excessive fees can diminish a portfolio’s ability to thrive.

Our fees for our services* are as follows:

  • 1% of assets under management for up to $500,000 in assets

  • 0.75% from $500,000–$1,000,000 in assets

  • 0.5% for over $1,000,000 in assets

*Fees are separate from what underlying investments—e.g., mutual funds—may charge.


Our Investment Philosophy


With our advanced investment management background, we build personalized investment portfolios that aim to balance the desire for return with an eye on risk in the global economy. We construct portfolios using publicly traded assets, often with mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as a foundation and individual stocks and bonds as supplementary ways to enhance and customize your investment strategy.

We believe in long-term investing that steadily grows wealth over time. We see ourselves as financial partners in helping you make informed decisions. Too often, we have seen investors miss out because they waited too long to invest and instead held assets in a bank account that earned very little interest. Or perhaps they were unaware of how their money was invested and were taking on unnecessary risk.

We’re committed to helping you understand the “why” behind our investment recommendations and get you interested in growing your money in a way that helps you feel comfortable now and enthusiastic about your financial future.


Schedule a Call

We want to get to know you!
Call or email us to discuss your situation and see how we may be able to help you feel excited about your financial direction.
